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Amanda Warren

Amanda Warren

Lecturer in Communication Sciences & Disorders

M.S. Boston University
B.S. Northwestern University


Amanda Warren, MS, CCC-SLP, is a medical Speech-Language Pathologist practicing in the city of Boston, with extensive experience in outpatient, acute care, rehabilitative care, skilled nursing and home care environments. She teaches at the undergraduate and graduate level in the field of speech-language pathology. She has special interests in dysphagia management, augmentative communication, end of life care, patient-family advocacy and education, and clinical instruction of SLP students. She is a published co-author of research in the area of dysphonia in Parkinson’s disease. When not at work, Amanda enjoys spending time with her husband and daughter, exploring the world, and learning Spanish.  

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Amanda Warren - Gordon College
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Amanda Warren

Amanda Warren

Lecturer in Communication Sciences & Disorders

M.S. Boston University
B.S. Northwestern University


Amanda Warren, MS, CCC-SLP, is a medical Speech-Language Pathologist practicing in the city of Boston, with extensive experience in outpatient, acute care, rehabilitative care, skilled nursing and home care environments. She teaches at the undergraduate and graduate level in the field of speech-language pathology. She has special interests in dysphagia management, augmentative communication, end of life care, patient-family advocacy and education, and clinical instruction of SLP students. She is a published co-author of research in the area of dysphonia in Parkinson’s disease. When not at work, Amanda enjoys spending time with her husband and daughter, exploring the world, and learning Spanish.