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Deborah Stanton

Deborah Stanton

Professor of Art History

Bachelor of Arts, Master of Fine Arts

Areas of expertise:


Deborah Garbee Stanton is a professional artist born in Lynchburg, Virginia. She trained in pastels and oil painting from age 9 in a portraitist's atelier. She was one of a select 30 art students invited into an intense Advanced Placement summer program at Virginia Commonwealth University’s School of the Arts to replace her freshman year, thus earning a Bachelor of Arts degree in three years’ study of painting and printmaking, with a concentration in oils and stone lithography.

She taught art classes for the Danville Museum for three years before pursuing graduate study. She earned a Master of Fine Arts degree in painting and drawing at Oakland, California's College of the Arts, while working as Art Director and illustrator for an Oakland ad agency.

Deborah’s uniqueness lies in her expertise in many art media, including electronic ones, and in her technical skill enabling her to readily adopt borrowed styles to meet a broad range of demands.  Since graduation, she has shown artwork with awards across the USA, including in museum and private gallery exhibits. She has taught museums, private schools, art associations, adult education, and college classes, in addition to teaching ongoing private studio lessons. Commissions for artwork include individual requests for fine art in various media, as well as advertising art for publications and product marketing. 

Loving the pursuit of knowledge as well as the arts, Deborah enjoys the teaching of Art History as an avenue to understanding the philosophical and theological history of world cultures.  But even more, she enjoys the opportunity it provides to excite the minds of students as they see the richness of expression and depth of thought reflected in the arts.

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Deborah Stanton - Gordon College
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Deborah Stanton

Deborah Stanton

Professor of Art History

Bachelor of Arts, Master of Fine Arts

Areas of expertise:


Deborah Garbee Stanton is a professional artist born in Lynchburg, Virginia. She trained in pastels and oil painting from age 9 in a portraitist's atelier. She was one of a select 30 art students invited into an intense Advanced Placement summer program at Virginia Commonwealth University’s School of the Arts to replace her freshman year, thus earning a Bachelor of Arts degree in three years’ study of painting and printmaking, with a concentration in oils and stone lithography.

She taught art classes for the Danville Museum for three years before pursuing graduate study. She earned a Master of Fine Arts degree in painting and drawing at Oakland, California's College of the Arts, while working as Art Director and illustrator for an Oakland ad agency.

Deborah’s uniqueness lies in her expertise in many art media, including electronic ones, and in her technical skill enabling her to readily adopt borrowed styles to meet a broad range of demands.  Since graduation, she has shown artwork with awards across the USA, including in museum and private gallery exhibits. She has taught museums, private schools, art associations, adult education, and college classes, in addition to teaching ongoing private studio lessons. Commissions for artwork include individual requests for fine art in various media, as well as advertising art for publications and product marketing. 

Loving the pursuit of knowledge as well as the arts, Deborah enjoys the teaching of Art History as an avenue to understanding the philosophical and theological history of world cultures.  But even more, she enjoys the opportunity it provides to excite the minds of students as they see the richness of expression and depth of thought reflected in the arts.