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Karl-Dieter Crisman

Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science

Ph.D., University of Chicago

Areas of expertise:


Karl-Dieter Crisman's main research interests lie in applications of mathematics to analysis of election procedures.  Other interests include connections with music, the abstract world of invariants on hyperplane arrangements, and the 17th century scientist and priest Marin Mersenne. He is passionate about open source software in mathematics, both as a developer and educator with SageMath, and helping others develop open textbooks along the lines of his Number Theory textbook using the open authoring tool MathBook XML.

Dr. Crisman has often coordinated the Gordon Math Forum (a student-oriented hour of problems, lectures, speakers on career options, and other topics), and was previously a fellow of Gordon College's Center for Faith and Inquiry regarding the interplay between theology and the open source movement.  He also has served as the chair of the Pike Honors program.  Outside of Gordon, he is a past associate editor for the journal PRIMUS, is quite active in the local Mathematics Association of America Section, and on occasion teaches the "Exploratory Maths with Sage" course at the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences.

Dissertation: Algebraic Geometry

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Karl-Dieter Crisman - Gordon College
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Karl-Dieter Crisman

Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science

Ph.D., University of Chicago

Areas of expertise:


Karl-Dieter Crisman's main research interests lie in applications of mathematics to analysis of election procedures.  Other interests include connections with music, the abstract world of invariants on hyperplane arrangements, and the 17th century scientist and priest Marin Mersenne. He is passionate about open source software in mathematics, both as a developer and educator with SageMath, and helping others develop open textbooks along the lines of his Number Theory textbook using the open authoring tool MathBook XML.

Dr. Crisman has often coordinated the Gordon Math Forum (a student-oriented hour of problems, lectures, speakers on career options, and other topics), and was previously a fellow of Gordon College's Center for Faith and Inquiry regarding the interplay between theology and the open source movement.  He also has served as the chair of the Pike Honors program.  Outside of Gordon, he is a past associate editor for the journal PRIMUS, is quite active in the local Mathematics Association of America Section, and on occasion teaches the "Exploratory Maths with Sage" course at the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences.

Dissertation: Algebraic Geometry