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Kristelle Lavallee

Kristelle Lavallee


B.A. Gordon College
M.A. Tufts University


Kristelle Lavallee Collins is the Global Teen Policy Manager at Discord. Ms. Lavallee Collins has co-authored numerous journal articles, book chapters and academic papers and her work has been presented at psychological, communications, and education conferences around the world. In addition to lecturing at Gordon, she is also an instructor of health communications at Tufts University. Prior to joining the Digital Wellness Lab, Ms. Lavallee Collins worked as a North American Regional Lead for Youth Safety and Wellbeing at TikTok, as a private school teacher at the Park Street School in Boston, and later as an Associate Producer at KidsCOOK Productions. Ms. Lavallee holds a B.A. in Psychology and Communication Arts from Gordon College and an M.A. in Child Study and Human Development from Tufts University.

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Kristelle Lavallee - Gordon College
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Gordon College Logo
Kristelle Lavallee

Kristelle Lavallee


B.A. Gordon College
M.A. Tufts University


Kristelle Lavallee Collins is the Global Teen Policy Manager at Discord. Ms. Lavallee Collins has co-authored numerous journal articles, book chapters and academic papers and her work has been presented at psychological, communications, and education conferences around the world. In addition to lecturing at Gordon, she is also an instructor of health communications at Tufts University. Prior to joining the Digital Wellness Lab, Ms. Lavallee Collins worked as a North American Regional Lead for Youth Safety and Wellbeing at TikTok, as a private school teacher at the Park Street School in Boston, and later as an Associate Producer at KidsCOOK Productions. Ms. Lavallee holds a B.A. in Psychology and Communication Arts from Gordon College and an M.A. in Child Study and Human Development from Tufts University.