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Ruth Melkonian-Hoover

Ruth Melkonian-Hoover

Professor of Political Science

Director of Political Science and International Affairs

B.A. Biola University
M.A. and Ph.D., Emory University

Areas of expertise:


Professor Melkonian-Hoover is a professor in the Political Science Department (B.A. Biola University; M.A. and Ph.D. Emory University). With Lyman Kellstedt, she recently co-authored Evangelicals and Immigration: Fault Lines Among the Faithful (2019). She has published in Social Science Quarterly, The Review of Faith & International Affairs, Latin American Perspectives, and Political Research Quarterly as well as “Welcoming the Stranger,” in Cosmologics and “A Theology of Immigrant Labour,” in Comment. Her scholarly interests include Latin America, immigration, women and politics, and religion and international affairs. She is currently conducting research on religion and immigration in the United States.

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Ruth Melkonian-Hoover - Gordon College
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Ruth Melkonian-Hoover

Ruth Melkonian-Hoover

Professor of Political Science

Director of Political Science and International Affairs

B.A. Biola University
M.A. and Ph.D., Emory University

Areas of expertise:


Professor Melkonian-Hoover is a professor in the Political Science Department (B.A. Biola University; M.A. and Ph.D. Emory University). With Lyman Kellstedt, she recently co-authored Evangelicals and Immigration: Fault Lines Among the Faithful (2019). She has published in Social Science Quarterly, The Review of Faith & International Affairs, Latin American Perspectives, and Political Research Quarterly as well as “Welcoming the Stranger,” in Cosmologics and “A Theology of Immigrant Labour,” in Comment. Her scholarly interests include Latin America, immigration, women and politics, and religion and international affairs. She is currently conducting research on religion and immigration in the United States.