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Education Courses

EDU112-116 Introduction to Education courses explore the teaching profession and provide opportunities to observe and reflect upon classroom interactions at appropriate grade levels and content areas. Field experience required.

EDU112 Introduction to Early Childhood Education (2)

EDU112 L Introduction to Early Childhood Lab
Early childhood majors.

EDU113 Introduction to Elementary Education (2)

EDU113 L Introduction to Elementary Education Lab
Elementary education majors.

EDU114 Introduction to Special Education (2)

EDU114 L Introduction to Special Education Lab
Special education majors.

EDU221 Foundations of Early Childhood Education (2)
Explores early childhood education; historical development, influential leaders, contemporary issues, and career opportunities. Field experience required. Prerequisite: EDU 112.

EDU225 Human Development and Learning (4)
Studies aspects of development from birth through early adolescence; emphasizes learning process. Examines theory and research. Field experience required. Prerequisite: EDU112-114.

EDU226 Adolescent Development and Learning (4)
Considers theories of adolescent development, learning theories, and social context within which today's adolescents grow and learn. Prerequisites: EDU114-116.

EDU228 Classroom Discipline and Management (2)
Considers behavioral theory and practical means of working with learners with and without disabilities in classroom settings. Prerequisites: EDU225 or 226.

EDU231 Children's Literature (2)
Studies contemporary children's literature; selecting, introducing, and using quality literature that includes diverse backgrounds and learning styles with preschool and elementary children.

EDU232 Adolescent Literature (4)
Studies emerging field of adolescent literature, its history, its canon, and its relationship to classic literature. Focuses on literary and educational aspects of works.

EDU238 The Exceptional Child (2)
Explores historical, legal and educational issues related to children and adolescents with low- and high-incidence disabilities. Field experience required. Prerequisite: EDU112-116, 225, 226 or PSY244.

EDU245 Multicultural Education (2)
Introduces concepts, issues and perspectives related to multicultural education and challenges personal awareness and attitudes toward diversity, instructional practices, curricula and resources that impact schools. Field experience required.

EDU270 Math Methods (3)
Analyzes and applies theory for teaching math PreK-8. Field experience required. Materials fee.
Prerequisite: concurrent enrollment in MAT205 or 206.

EDU270 L Math Methods Lab

EDU300 Theories of Language Acquisition (2)
Introduces current theories of language acquisition; models of language instruction and literacy development. Recommended Prerequisite: one course in linguistics. The course is a prerequisite for EDU400 and EDU401. (Alternate years.)

EDU301 Methods of Second Language Teaching (2)
Examines teaching strategies for developing language skills; assessment techniques at elementary and secondary levels; historical, philosophical and legal bases for ESL and bilingual education. Prerequisite: EDU300. (Alternate years.)

EDU302 Disabilities and the Young Child (2)
Explores implications of handicapping conditions and young children in preschool and school settings; identification, service delivery models and teaching/learning strategies. Field collaboration included. Prerequisite: early childhood major and program acceptance.

EDU302 L Disabilities and the Young Child Lab

EDU303 Teaching English Language Learners Using Sheltered English (2)
Introduces students to the skills and knowledge needed to shelter content instruction for English language learners. Identifies and experiments with a variety of research-based and effective strategies and approaches so second language learners will understand English content.

EDU304 Creative Arts (2)
Integrates music, art and drama into preschool and elementary school course content. Materials fee. (Alternate years.)

EDU332 Foundations of Christian Schools (2)
Examines distinctive of Christian school history, philosophy, governance, standards, curriculum, methodology and teaching qualifications. Through extensive reading, writing, class discussion and field trips, students will synthesize and analyze unique and compelling components of Christian school education.

EDU342 Special Education Assessment and Intervention (2)
Focuses on the evaluation process for students with disabilities as well as identifying and developing appropriate interventions to meet these students’ needs. Field experience required. Prerequisites: EDU238, a special education major, and program acceptance. (Alternate years.)

EDU345 Introduction to Teaching Reading (2)
Explores the history, theories, developmental stages, phonics, and components of literacy instruction for children with and without disabilities, as well as English language learners. Prerequisite: approval for teacher education program.

EDU346 Early Childhood Reading and Language Arts: PreK–Grade 2 (3)
Explores teaching methods, strategies and materials in reading, writing, speaking and listening for typical and atypical learners. Field experience required. Prerequisites: program approval for early childhood education and EDU345. Materials fee.

EDU346 L Early Childhood Reading and Language Arts: PreK-Grade 2 Lab

EDU347 Elementary Reading and Language Arts (Grades 1–6) (3)
Explores teaching theories, methods, strategies and materials in reading, writing, listening and speaking for elementary learners with and without disabilities. Field experience required. Prerequisites: program approval for teacher education and EDU345. Materials fee.

EDU347 L Elementary Reading and Language Arts Lab (Grades 1-6)

EDU348 Assessment for the Classroom Teacher (2)
Further develops preservice teachers’ conceptual and technical skills in reading assessment. Preservice teachers look at the assessment of student performance as it aligns with instruction and curriculum. Examines the role that validity, reliability, test bias, and item construction play in ensuring a quality and meaningful assessment instrument. Taken concurrently with EDU346 or 347. Materials fee.

EDU352 Teaching Reading in the Content Areas (4)
Explores teaching theories, methods, strategies and assessment materials for teaching literacy and independent learning skills to middle school and secondary students with and without learning disabilities. Field experience required. Prerequisites: EDU226 and approval for teacher education program. Materials fee.

EDU371 Selected Topics (2)
Examines selected topics appropriate for educators. Repeatable with different topics. Prerequisite: permission of instructor and department chair.

EDU407 Special Education Seminar (2)
Analyzes issues in special education; classroom management and individualization techniques. Prerequisites: senior standing and full approval for special education program. Field experience required. Materials fee. (Alternate years.)

EDU427 Internship (2–6)
Supervised teaching experience in an appropriate settings. Must be prearranged and approved by the instructor. Prerequisite: permission of the Department of Education. 

EDU428 Language and Learning Disabilities (2)
Historical/theoretical analysis of developmental language and learning disabilities; identification determination; research-based interventions and strategies to help students with LDs in grades PreK–8 access the general curriculum and achieve full potential. Field experience required. Prerequisites: senior standing and full approval for special education program. Materials fee. (Alternate years.)

EDU440 Education Methods Block (2)
Methods, curriculum and evaluation of health, science and physical education for early childhood, special education and elementary education majors. Field experience required. Prerequisites: senior standing and full approval for teacher education program. Materials fee.

EDU441 Methods of Secondary Special Education (2)
Explores unique curriculum, evaluation techniques and teaching methods for the adolescent learner with disabilities. Includes transitional and vocational issues. Field experience required. Prerequisites: full approval for the special education program and senior standing.

EDU 442 Education Methods Block: Social Studies  (2)
Methods, curriculum, and evaluation of social studies for early childhood, special education and elementary education majors. Field experience required. Pre-requisites: senior standing and full approval for teacher education program. Materials fee. 

Teacher candidates are placed in an appropriate school setting for a 12-credit (15-week) student teaching experience supervised by College faculty and cooperating practitioner(s). A portion of that time may be waived for students seeking two licenses to allow for the second practicum. Teacher candidates should consult with their education advisors regarding any variation in the length of their full-time practica and must apply for their practica during the year prior to their student teaching. Prerequisites: full approval in the appropriate teacher education program, successful completion of major coursework, passing of all relevant Massachusetts Tests for Educator Licensure (MTEL), and recommendations of pre-practicum supervisors. Teacher candidates must be registered and finalized prior to starting their teaching assignment.

EDU400 Teaching English as a Second Language Practicum (8-16)
Level PreK-6.

EDU479, 480 Early Childhood Practicum I, II (6, 6)
Students are placed in grade 1 or 2 for Practicum I and in PreK or kindergarten for Practicum II. At least one practicum must include children with disabilities.

EDU481 Elementary School Practicum (12-16; 8 if seeking dual licensure)

EDU482 Special Education Practicum (12–16; 8 if seeking dual licensure)—PreK–8 or 5–12.

EDU485 Elementary School Art Practicum (12-16)

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