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Master of Education: Gordon Plus

Leverage your four years at Gordon for all they're worth. 

With Gordon Plus, you have the ability to take graduate-level education classes during your time as an undergraduate student at Gordon at no additional cost. You’ll gain skills to diversify your career options and learn the art and science of teaching. On graduation day, imagine earning a bachelor's degree and having already completed work towards an initial teaching license/master’s degree with the tools and qualifications to step into the classroom.


The Master of Education program offers a variety of concentrations through which you can earn your initial teaching license. You can pursue your passions, whatever they are. Select a Middle/Secondary Education content area, or develop expertise in Digital Literacy and Computer Science, Early Childhood Education, Elementary Education, English as a Second Language, or Moderate Disabilities.

As an undergraduate student, you will often have electives or open class slots in your academic plan. Put these to good use by testing whether the Master of Education program is for you. Build a repertoire of research-based teaching strategies, develop essential classroom management skills, and consider the needs of both typically and atypically developing learners. Starting now will save you both time and money!

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Fast-track your education at no additional cost

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Customize your education to fit your passions

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Get the opportunities you want

In the Graduate Education program, you will surround yourself with high-caliber peers who are passionate about making a difference in the world. We invest in you personally, giving you the tools you need to succeed in the classroom and prioritizing excellence in education for the next generation.

How do I get started? 

  1. Speak with your Gordon College undergraduate academic advisor to confirm your four-year academic plan and potential gaps available to take Gordon Plus courses. 
  2. Talk with a representative from the Graduate Education Department to learn more about classes being offered. Email  to get connected.
  3. Get your career started right by completing the Gordon Plus Registration Form (on My.Gordon.edu under Academics > Registration Forms). 

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