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Immunization Information

Massachusetts State law requires all college students show satisfactory proof of immunizations of the following:   

  • 3 doses of Hepatitis B Vaccine
  • 1 doses of MenACWY for students (less than age 22) on or after 16th birthday 
  • 2 doses of Varicella vaccine; or lab evidence of immunity; or disease date 
  • 2 MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) first dose on or after the first birthday; second dose at least one month after the first dose
  • 1 Tdap Booster within the past 10 years 
  • TB Screening is required by Gordon College, but not required by state 

These immunizations must be completed prior to arrival on campus.

If proof of immunization for measles, mumps, rubella or hepatitis B or varicella is not available, a blood titer showing immunity will be accepted. Failure to show proof of immunization will result in a medical hold on your registration.

TB Information
Tuberculosis is a bacterial infection transmitted through the air via the respiratory route (e.g., coughing, sneezing, talking). It is highly infectious. Tuberculin testing identifies whether or not you have been exposed to an active tuberculosis infection.

A screening form will be included in the admission packet as part of the medical requirement packet; it is also available in the Health Center. If the form indicates that the student is "at risk," a TB skin-test is required. For incoming students, this must be completed prior to arrival on campus. 

Periodic tuberculosis testing is required for many jobs, volunteer positions, internships and student teaching. 

TB testing is offered Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday by appointment ONLY. The cost is billed to your personal  health insurance. TB (Mantoux Test) injected on Day 1 and MUST be read by Health Center Staff 48-72 hours after it is placed. 

TB test done TB test read
Monday Wednesday
Tuesday Thursday
Wednesday Friday


Division of TB Control
CDC Division of Tuberculosis Elimination 
World Health Organization Fact Sheet on Tuberculosis

Flu Vaccine Information

Mission Trip Requirements
The Health Center provides support to each mission’s trip team by evaluating the destination and offering recommended/required vaccines for entry to that country. Each student participant's record is examined to determine which vaccines need to be given.   Certain vaccines, such as yellow fever, rabies and Japanese encephalitis are not given here, but arrangements are facilitated from the Health Center with another provider.

CDC Travel Information Website
Mass Dept Public Health

M.G.L. chapter 76, sections 15 & 15C and M.G.L. chapter 111, sections 5, 6,& 7 require all students who enroll in a Massachusetts public or private college or university to be immunized against tetanus and diphtheria; measles, mumps, and rubella; hepatitis B; meningitis, and varicella. The law also requires the College to collect the information requested and maintain these records. The Massachusetts Department of Health and local health board are authorized by state law to inspect this information. 

MDPH (Mass Dept of Public Health) BCDC (Bureau of Communicable Disease Control)
Division of Epidemiology and Immunization
Massachusetts Department of Public Health Regulation:
105 CMR 220.600C
P: 617.983.6800

If the Immunization Form is submitted late, what happens?
A hold and a $50 fine may be placed on any student account who is missing all or part of the required immunizations and TB Screening prior to move-in day. The student will not be able to finalize their registration until the $50 fee is paid and the medical forms are completed.

What is considered an official immunization record?
An official immunization record may be any of the following as long as it contains the same immunizations required by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts:

  • Printout from a medical provider
  • High school immunization records
  • Immunization records from previously attended colleges and universities
  • Military immunization records
  • International official immunization book "yellow book"

Where can a student get their immunizations?

  • Medical provider's office or Medical Day Care Center at Beverly Hospital
  • Some urgent care centers
  • Health departments
  • Some pharmacies

What if a student cannot get a physical until after the deadline for the Immunization Form, what should they do?
We will accept a physical that has been done within the last 12 months, except for those students who will be participating in competitive athletics.  NCAA requires a physical within the past 6 months for participation.

Is there a waiver for parents/families to have access to their student's medical records? 
We are unable to grant blanket access to a student’s medical records. It is up to the student to decide who has access to their medical records. This is consistent with federal security and privacy regulations.

Near the bottom of the electronic Medical Questionnaire, you will find a place for the student to sign and release medical information to the listed parents/guardians and emergency contacts. 

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