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Off Campus Study

Gordon students are encouraged to take advantage of many opportunities to study at special programs around the country and the world. In addition, many students supplement their Gordon program with courses taken at other institutions during summer or winter breaks, or at local colleges while enrolled at Gordon.

Consortium Visitor Program

Undergraduates with a minimum 2.0 GPA enrolled at one of the Christian College Consortium member institutions may be considered for cross-registration enrollment on another Consortium campus. Enrollment is limited to one term on the campus visited, but additional studies as a special student deferred from Gordon may be possible if approved by the registrars of both institutions. No Gordon aid or scholarships are available for a second semester. Enrollment may be restricted by limitations in institutional enrollments, individual course enrollments, or because of prerequisite course requirements. Contact the Registrar's Office. Browse Christian College Consortium member institutions.

Council for Christian Colleges and Universities

The Council for Christian Colleges and Universities administers a diverse array of Best Semester programs in which Gordon College students may participate, including the American Studies, China Studies, Contemporary Music Center, Latin American Studies, Los Angeles Film Studies, Middle East Studies, Scholars' Semester in Oxford, and Uganda Studies programs.
Read more... Global Education Office Best Semester CCCU programs page

NECCUM Cross-Registration

Full-time Gordon students with a 2.0 minimum cumulative GPA may cross-register for up to two daytime courses at any other NECCUM (Northeast Consortium of Colleges and Universities in Massachusetts) institution. Contact Gordon's Registrar's Office. Gordon students must be withdrawn at least two years before being allowed to take courses at Gordon as a NECCUM visitor from another institution. View a list of NECCUM member institutions.

Off-Campus Programs

Students may earn credit by participating in a number of programs conducted away from the Gordon campus, including a semester program offered by Gordon in Italy as well as two or four-week international seminars offered during January or summer terms. In addition, a variety of programs have been approved in countries including (but not limited to) England, Croatia, Hungary, Israel, Lithuania, Scotland, and Costa Rica as well as in the United States (American Studies Program, Oregon Extension, Westmont college's San Francisco Urban Program, AuSable Institute of Environmental Studies, Oregon Extension, Westmont college's San Francisco Urban Program, etc.). Visit the Global Education Office or see the Off-Campus Programs information in the Academic Program section of the Gordon College Academic Catalog.

Transfer of Off-Campus or Summer Courses:

Students wishing to transfer academic work to Gordon must obtain advance course approval from their department advisor and the Registrar's Office. Download the Off-Campus Approval Form from our forms page and include the course description and equivalent Gordon course. Courses must be taken at a regionally accredited institution and be comparable to those offered at Gordon. Transfer credit will only be granted if work is completed with a grade of C minus or above. Documentation of satisfactory completion (C or above) must be provided for any Pass/Fail grade. Grades earned through transfer credit do not factor into a student's Gordon gpa.

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